Support Staff Recognised by Vice-Chancellor for Work Excellence

It was a day of jubilee at the University of Zululand’s (UNIZULU) KwaDlangezwa Campus where University Vice-Chancellor Professor Xoliswa Mtose hosted the annual Vice-Chancellor Appreciation Awards in the Council Chambers.

The awards were held to honour UNIZULU support staff who have performed outstandingly in their respective disciplines. This year, 20 support staff members were acknowledged for their stellar work in the current year.

Prof Mtose is a staunch believer in recognising the critical part that administrative staff play in the day-to-day function of the University. During her opening address, she stressed how UNIZULU support staff add value to the University. She was especially appreciative of the level of dedication shown by support staff to manoeuvre around the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“This idea of having these appreciation awards comes from what we do; the origins of the University. The University acknowledges the academics in teaching and Learning and in research. I looked at this and thought, what about the people who are administrators? People that are in other portfolios that are making us function and do all these things that we claim to do. Without you, the claims of greatness that we make will never be,” Prof Mtose acknowledged.

Thinking back on the abnormal year that 2020 was, she said that despite the challenges that this year brought, with the possibility of operations having come to a complete standstill, the awardees still made the university functional, making sure that it delivered on its mandate.

“You are appreciated and you make this University what it is. You are appreciated (for) the level of energy that you have demonstrated in serving this University. You are the most important guests for today,” Prof Mtose said to the guests of honour.

Quality Assurance Manager Thembi Ndimande delivered a message on behalf of the awardees. “We are so excited and delighted that the work that is often invisible is being recognised. As support staff in an academic institution we always feel that our work is unseen because we are just support for the core business of the institution but your gesture today that we are all important in your eyes (is humbling),” Ndimade said.

  • Precious Shamase


The University Vice Chancellor Professor Xoliswa Mtose with Noluthando Zondi from Human Resources Department.

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